Case Study
Municipality Woerden

A user-friendly 'upgrade' of the website for the Municipality of Woerden. We combined our experience with local governments and our knowledge of UX design to design a comprehensive online service set.
Our client
The municipality of Woerden, located in the west of the province of Utrecht, has more than 50,000 inhabitants. It consists of the cores of Woerden, Harmelen, Kamerik and Zegveld. The municipality has a diverse palette of responsibilities. From the provision of identity cards and waste management to the care of the long-term sick and the elderly.
Our challenge
The municipality of Woerden wanted to increase the online management of its residents on numerous topics. It asked for our help in creating a new design for the website, which focuses on the healthcare domain. Until then, this was a site that mainly provided information to citizens.
For example, the municipality wanted to include a social card on this site and a secure 'my environment'. In this environment, residents must be able to find information about substantive matters and laws and regulations, submit a care application and follow the progress of the application. It was crucial that this upgrade of the online services would be accessible and user-friendly for a target group that is often difficult to serve online.
Our solution
Keen has made concrete the wish of the municipality to give residents more control in a new concept for the website This new variant enables residents to arrange and manage their healthcare matters much more online. Think of submitting applications in the 'my environment' or comparing healthcare providers. In the design we have responded to the wishes and needs of the target group. Keen subsequently supervised the construction to ensure that our design was realized correctly.

'With Keen I have discovered that the world of "user experience" and "interaction design" really is a profession. Keen has helped us immensely with the conception and actual development of our new website.'
Our approach
The website was at first mainly a gathering place for information about care in the Municipality of Woerden. To transform it into a site on which you can undertake various actions, it is crucial to get to know the wishes and needs of the target group. With the help of the Municipality of Woerden, we conducted interviews with a diverse group of residents who had very different digital wishes and possibilities. We also spoke with stakeholders and interested parties from the municipality.
Based on their input, we made a first version of the new concept. Utilising repeated user tests, we iteratively continued to develop this version until the website was clear, user-friendly and accessible to the entire target group. In this way, we too made a small contribution to improving care support in the Municipality of Woerden.

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