Level Up your service
/expert local government
More and more tasks are falling to local governments. We would like to help you set up or improve your (digital) services. Together we will make sure that your municipality, province or water board is inclusive and accessible.
What we mean
We identify the needs
Youth care. Work and income. Care for the long-term sick and elderly. Local governments have had to deal with a lot in recent years. We would like to help you to properly accommodate these additional responsibilities within your organisation.
We do this by more clearly defining what their role and function can be, and by initiating a dialogue with citizens. We take stock of the needs of residents and help them to meet those needs. Together we figure out how your organisation should use the available resources to provide good and inclusive services.
We place extra emphasis on special life events, such as the birth of your child or the death of a loved one. In many cases, the municipality is the first contact with the government at such moments. We help you to further streamline this process where the contact is made and in your cooperation with other authorities.

More options

Calling for a tender is especially complicated. At Keen Design, we are familiar with the bottlenecks before, during and after this process. And we can help you reach a better end product together.